International Night 2024 - 15th November 2024

Check back for details regarding International Night later in the school year!


Multicultural Night

Join us for International Night

Date: 15th November

Time: 6 - 8 p.m.

Location: Gym at Churchill Road Elementary


To celebrate the cultural roots of ALL of our Bobcat families, we have many activities as part of our Multicultural Night program! We invite ALL Bobcat families to participate!

Poster contestPoster Contest

Promote International Night 2024 and win prizes! A winning poster will be selected for each grade-level Kindergarten to 6th, and a prize will be awarded to each winning student! Entries will be displayed throughout the school. Posters must be turned in by TBA in the container in the office.


Contest Rules:

All posters must include the following details:

  • International Night 2024

  • TBA

  • In the CRS Gymnasium

  • International Cuisine

  • Multicultural Fashion Show and Flag Show

  • Cultural Performances

  • Cultural Booths with Arts, Crafts, & Games

Posters should be 22" x 28" and must have the artist's name, homeroom teacher, and grade on the back of the poster. Most mediums are allowed, including paint, chalk, pencil, pastels, crayons, etc. Computer-generated drawings and/or text are not acceptable.

Show your heritage with your art craftHERITAGE IN ME ART CRAFT

Students are encouraged to decorate the art craft template with any materials to represent their family heritage. This is an excellent opportunity for discussing or even researching the origin of each family. How many generations can you trace back? When did the family move to the US? What are the traditions that families have kept across the generations? What are the symbols of your family heritage?

Download Template (PDF)


Students must return the completed artwork to their homeroom teachers by TBA. All submitted work will be displayed at Multicultural Night.

Bring cultural dishes to share at the Parade of Cuisines

International Parade of Cuisines

Get ready to share and enjoy some delicious international cuisine! We'll provide the plates, cutlery, and water - you bring the food!


Bring a cultural (or any dish) to share with your name on the bottom of the dish and the serving utensil. Note on a small card which culture the dish represents and if it contains nuts.

Suggestions for portion sizes: 

Snacks: 8-10 families
Main Course: 4-5 families
Dessert: 8-10 families

Sign up at to be in the Fashion and Flag Show

Fashion and Flag Show

Showcase on the stage the traditional clothes of a culture or the flag of a country, be it of your family heritage or your personal interest. Alone or with your family, it's your time to shine on the runway! Flags will be provided.


To perform in the show, you will need to sign up by TBA and commit to rehearsal on TBA in the gym.

Check back for the sign-up link.

Sign up to perform

Cultural Performances

If the runway is not your cup of tea, how about a cultural performance that gives the audience an artistic presentation of the unique culture of your choosing? Singing, dancing, kung fu, or others, the more, the merrier! 

  1. Sign up by TBA.

  2. Commit to rehearsal on TBA in the gym. 

Check back for the sign-up link.

Share your culture at a cultural booth

Cultural Booths

What are the special artifacts that people use in their culture? How do other languages look different from English? What are children's favorite games in a particular culture?


Come and host a Cultural Booth and introduce the culture to your visitors.


Check back for the sign-up link.

Volunteer at Heritage Night


We need you! We're looking for help with set-up before the event or clean-up after the event. 

 Check back for the sign-up link.

Questions? Contact our Cultural Outreach Committee.